Fabiana and Aguachile - Mexico

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum ac dui vel vestibulum. Duis eget auctor arcu. Nulla congue massa mi, vitae auctor sem tristique vel. Fusce nibh augue, tincidunt non molestie vel, suscipit a eros. Mauris pretium tempus placerat. Mauris luctus viverra condimentum.



2 cups Shrimp Stock

.5 pound Octopus precooked, sliced

.5 pound Shrimp 21-25 cleaned and deveined

.25 Bay scallop

2 pieces Cucumber sliced

1 pieces Red Onion sliced

2 pieces Avocado

1 recipe Aguachile Sauce

Cilantro leafs

3 tbsp Olive oil

5 Lime (the juice)

Local sea salt


In a bowl, add the seafood, lime juice, salt to taste, pepper and 3 tablespoons of olive oil, wait two minutes, add the cucumber and

onion, add "aguachile" sauce depending on how spicy you want, serve in a bowl, add the sliced avocado, finish with very hot shrimp

broth and decorate with the cilantro.

Huevos Angeles
06 Oct, 2023
Huevos Angeles lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum ac dui vel vestibulum. Duis eget auctor arcu. Nulla congue massa mi, vitae auctor sem tristique vel. Fusce nibh augue, tincidunt non molestie vel, suscipit a eros. Mauris pretium tempus placerat. Mauris luctus viverra condimentum.
06 Oct, 2023
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